A “Kitsune-no Yu-suzumi” report
“Kitsune no Yu-suzumi” event took place in Oji, Kita-ku, Tokyo.
“Byakko-syu” invited us to join the event and we participated in that for the first time.
It was rainy unfortunately and the weather turned got worse than weather forecast, but we kept going through the street around the Oji-station: from Asuka-yama to Oji Inari-shrine.
We gave “Kitsune-Girei” to Oji Inari-shrine with the aim of the event. The “Girei” was like a march but not like soldiers’ steps, very quiet, less actions, and slowly. We chose the theme of the “Kitsune-Girei” from an anecdote, “The Fox Marriage”. You might be able to find the bride in the picture.
Besides the solemn procession, “Byakko-syu” never stopped the dance to bounce up and down with light steps. “Byakko-syu” was organized people who have a strong will to take over the belief in “Oinarisan”. Many elementary kids are active in that.
On the Asuka-yama stage, the performance began from “The dance of foxes”
also “The Mother and The Daughter Fox”, Japanese dance, performance introduced with Makoto and Tsuge’s song and play.
We gave the “Kitsune Susumi-Girei” at the Oji Inari-shrine in the rain finally!!!
“The Mother and….” played again in front of the cafe. The pedestrians stopped walking and watched the play in the rain.
We really appreciate to the people involve the event and thank again for the invitation to the festival in Feb 6th, 2016.at Oji Inari-Shrine. We are going to see you again on the day.